Through MP RTO List, by looking at the number plate of any vehicle, one can identify which district of Madhya Pradesh that vehicle belongs to. Hello friends, if you live in Madhya Pradesh and you have any kind of vehicle then it is necessary for you to get the vehicle registered at the MP RTO i.e. Road Transport Office of your area.

RTO has responsibilities like issuing driving licenses, registering vehicles and ensuring traffic safety. In today’s article, we will talk about MP RTO List and will also give you other information related to it. Among the duties of the RTO are the issuance of driver’s licenses, vehicle registration, and traffic safety. We will discuss the MP RTO List in today’s post and provide you with additional relevant information. 

Overview of Madhya Pradesh Regional Transport Office (MP RTO)

The Madhya Pradesh RTO (MP RTO) is a government agency in charge of upholding the provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act of 1988 as well as other relevant laws. It functions under the direction of Madhya Pradesh’s Transport Department.

Ensuring the safe and effective movement of automobiles and the seamless operation of the state’s transportation system are the main goals of the Madhya Pradesh RTO (MP RTO).

The purpose of this website is to give a thorough overview of the Madhya Pradesh RTO (MP RTO), including information on its services, procedures, and functions. Knowing how the RTO operates can be very beneficial for comprehending a variety of transport-related procedures, regardless of whether you live in Madhya Pradesh or intend to travel there.

These MP RTO services are also accessible via the MP Transport Department’s official website (

Main Functions of Madhya Pradesh RTO

RTO Madhya Pradesh performs various functions and responsibilities defines below:-

Vehicle Registration:

In Madhya Pradesh, vehicle registration is handled by the MP Transport Department. This entails granting registration certificates, allocating distinct registration numbers, and keeping track of all registered automobiles.

Driving License:

To grant driving licenses to qualified individuals, the MP RTO administers tests and examinations. This guarantees that drivers possess the abilities and know-how required to drive cars safely on public roads.

Vehicle Permits:

In addition to authorization and special permits, duplicate permits, permits for permanent education programs, and permits for cancellation, the Regional Transport Office is in charge of issuing permits to all public and commercial vehicles, including taxis, goods, and stagecoach vehicles.

Road Taxes & Fees:

In accordance with applicable laws, the RTO MP collects a variety of road taxes, charges, and fines. The state’s road infrastructure is developed and maintained with the help of this revenue.

No Objection Certificate/Fitness Certificate:

Vehicles are periodically inspected by the MP Transport Department to make sure they meet safety and emission regulations and are roadworthy. The findings of the inspection are used to issue fitness certificates.

Traffic Rules & Regulations:

To encourage road safety, the Madhya Pradesh RTO enforces traffic laws and regulations. To keep an eye on compliance and take appropriate action against violators, it regularly drives and checks.

Mechanical Inspection:

This includes vehicle inspection for fitness certification, accident vehicle clearance, insurance validity checks, and the pollution under control (PUC) certificate.

MP RTO Code List

Madhya Pradesh Road Transport Department (MP Road Transport Department) currently has 51 offices, including one Commissioner’s Office, Gwalior, 10 RTO, 10 ARTO and 30 DTO. Whose job is to ensure traffic safety, issue licenses and permits in their respective jurisdictions.

List Code
Transport Commissioner, Gwalior
Regional Transport Office
Additional Regional Transport Office
District Transport Office
Transport Checkpost at State Border

MP RTO Registered Vehicle

Explore the trends in vehicle registrations in Madhya Pradesh since 2019 to understand how car preferences in the community have evolved over time.

YEAR Vehicle Registration